Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Early Intervention For Adolescent Substance Abuse

Summary Liddle, H. A., Rowe, C. L., Dakof, G. A., Ungaro, R. A., Henderson, C. E. (2004). Early intervention for adolescent substance abuse: Pretreatment to posttreatment outcomes of a randomized clinical trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and peer group treatment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 36(1). Abstract. The abstract discusses a randomized clinical trial that has been developed in order to evaluate a family-based therapy and a peer-group therapy used with urban, low-income, and ethnically diverse adolescents between the ages 11-15 that have been referred for behavioral problems and substance abuse. It briefly explains both treatments and how each was administered. The abstract also discusses that these adolescents and their parents were assessed at intake, then randomly assigned to either the family-based therapy or peer-group therapy treatment, and then reassessed six weeks after intake and again at discharge. Results are briefly discussed in terms of the effectiveness and purpose of the family-based treatment, which was used to reduce risk and promote protective processes in various domains, as well as reduce adolescent substance use. Introduction. Drug use in early adolescence can be a determinant for later drug abuse; however, clinicians are working on trying to stop drug use from progressing by intervening at the early stages of adolescent drug use. Researchers have identified various risk and protective factors involved with theShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse Prevention On Adolescents1451 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance Abuse Prevention in Adolescents Adolescence is the most common period of life in which both recreational and therapeutic drug use is introduced. Coincidentally, brain development and maturity is also at an all time high during this stage of life (2). When initiating the use of a therapeutic drug, the health care provider compares the risk to the benefit. 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